A Little Intro
If you had told me 30 yrs ago that at the age of 48 I’d be blogging, tagging, and pinning I think I would have slapped you !! — but here I am about to do just that. Firstly, I have to give credit to my dear friend Sheraz who has undertaken creating this website for me and has designed a most eye-catching and stunning website which I adore. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart and I’ll keep the skating lessons coming until your feet drop off !!
Looking at my website in it’s entirety it is almost a visual diary of my life here. Since emigrating to NZ we have constructed a lot, coached a lot, and created a lot. Most of my paintings for sale here were designs or concepts from dreams, inspirations from fellow artists, and pure experiments of artistic techniques over the last 23 yrs. Hence the little blurbs of descriptions attached to them maybe my reminiscent of that moment in time. Whilst I had a career coaching skating ART was just a hobby to me. Now as I am trying to make it a career I discover a whole new set of challenges. Social media for example. Performing for me on ice was simple. People come to watch, the music starts , you skate, they leave – hopefully feeling entertained. Social media is everlasting – whatever you post, write or discuss is forever stored in some social media Pandora’s box. That scares me to death to be honest.
So as I welcome you all to my gallery and bear my soul to the world as a middle aged Mum trying to make a buck here and there all I ask is that you enjoy the browse and perhaps leave me with a little snippet of your own life experiences.

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