I don’t know where or how that concept of ‘feeling blue’ came to imply a feeling of depression or loneliness came from because I don’t personally associate the colour blue with sadness. To me brown, grey and even mustard colours imply that sort of emotion. To me they are sort of nondescript. Especially brown – it is almost the colour of failure — where 2 more pure colours have blended by accident and created this rather ugly essence in what should be a plethora of rainbow-esque existence. Do you get what I mean ?? I do tend to babble at times……
Anyway, this is one of my doodles. One of many in fact. Some are monochromatic, some are multi-chromatic but in this case it is of an analogous colour scheme of blues, purples and treading into the pinks. I’ll talk more on specific colour schemes in future blogs as there is much to explain and I need to find my colour wheel to expand on basic colour variations but for now just trust in the word ‘Analogous’.
This doodle is a perfect example of what I do when I simultaneously want to relax and also listen to something important – such as the daily Covid reviews Ashley Bloomfield and Aunty Cindy put out when she’s put Auckland city in yet another lockdown due to various imcompetencies by various parties……sigh. Yes – you can interpret that as a sign of frustration. Being self-employed in the art industry and having your income cut every time NZ’s most industrious city goes into lockdown can lead to frustration. And hence doodling through these awkward and uncertain times has definitely helped. Don’t get me wrong though, NZ’s response to the whole pandemic in general, compared to the rest of the world, has indeed be exemplary but I do believe some things could have been done differently to avoid the cycle of business and production that Auckland city depends on a daily basis. I’m talking the small businesses that rely on the foot traffic and public involvement. However, that is an entirely political debate and this is artist’s website so that is where I shall take my leave. Adios for now darlinks.