OK like I haven’t got enough to do already I know but this is going to be a cathartic process for me as I always used to keep a diary as a kid. This is the opening of my book which I hope to get finished by the end of this year — that is a long shot I know as we are already into mid August and the next few months will get even busier but I like to set mini goals for my self. Even if it’s not achievable there is no harm in trying………So here it is, my opening synopsis.
“I never start a sentence from the beginning so why should this book be any different ? Why break the habit of a lifetime ?
So from where shall I start ?
My first memory?
My audition for Disney on Ice ?
Or the fact that I am currently considering a divorce.
Well this book is going to jump between time zones of my life so if your OCD can’t handle that put the book down and walk away. Read another one. But if you want a story of resilience with a little humour thrown and a visual catalogue of my life then hang on in there.
At the end of this book is a little hard drive of the visual aspects of this book but HA ! I’ve got you spoilers because to access the disk you have to complete a short puzzle about me. And you’re going to have to read the book to get all the answers. – so there you have it – An interactive puzzle auto-biography. What more do you want ?”
And yes, we went to the lawyer last week to start legal separation proceedings and things at home are rather tense. It will only get worse before it gets better , I know, but it was really necessary to rip this very toxic bandage off the marriage and try to start afresh before one of us completely lost the plot — and the way I was heading last year that was looking like it would have been me first. And hey guys I made up a new word – COVIDIVORCE !!!! LOL !!! — we should campaign to have it included in all the dictionairies !!!